Ehsan Hamifard
Persian Rose Clinic, Iran
Title: Face rejuvenation with nanofat & millifat simultaneously
Biography: Ehsan Hamifard
Nanofat is emulsified (liquefied) and filtered fat. The fat cells have been crushed and filtered out and what remains is a liquid that contains a high concentration of stem cells.
Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide (through cell division) to produce more stem cells. Stem cells are very important in the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Millifat is large parcel sized (2.4 mm and <) fat that is used when structural fat grafts are performed for deep fat compartment filling, filling of the lips, temporal regions, brows, chin, nose, and pyriform.
From last year till now we have used both nonofat & millifat in face rejuvenation simultaneously in more than 500 cases & have achieved very wonderful results.
This method can be used instead of other methods of face rejuvenation & face filling due to less costs & natural components.