Leila M Lopes Bezerra
Associate Professor
Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)
Prof.. Associate State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), recently received the title of "Honorary Senior Lecturer" (Prof. Visitor) of the University of Aberdeen, UK (2015). He made ​​his BS in Biological Sciences at UERJ and subsequently held master's and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Chemistry Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). In 2001, he made ​​his post-doctorate at the University of California (UCLA) in the United States and held two sabbatical stages a scholarship senior CNPq stage, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2006) and the University of Aberdeen (2014). Since 2001 coordinates, the International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM), the Working Group on Sporothrix spp and sporotrichosis. UERJ was Deputy Director of the Institute of Biology Roberto Alcantara Gomes (1996-1999; 2008-2011) and member of the Superior Council, University Council and Higher Education and Research Council from 1996 to 2012. He is currently CNPq productivity scholarship 1C level, Scientist of Our State Faperj and Procientista UERJ, where he coordinates the Mycology Laboratory of Cellular and Proteomics (LMCProt). The LMCProt is one of Proteomics Network Units of Rio de Janeiro, where he was general coordinator in tiriênio 2011-2013. Proofreader and editor of national and international journals, was also coordinator of Mycology area of the Brazilian Society of Microbiology (2004-2005), member of the board of the Brazilian Society of Mycology (2007-2010) and is currently the Company 's Board Member Brazilian Proteomics. As a teacher and researcher, guides master students and PhD from the Graduate Courses in Biosciences (level 6 CAPES) and Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pathophysiology and Experimental (Level 7 CAPES), both from UERJ, where he also coordinates, the Graduate Biological sciences, the disciplines of Mycology and Introduction to Proteomics. Practice areas: Medical Mycology (sporotrichosis and invasive aspergillosis), Biochemistry of Microorganisms (structure and function of the cell wall of pathogenic fungi), developing diagnostic tools and studying models of fungus-host cell interaction, applying proteomics technology
Research Interest
Mycology and Proteomics